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Different types of beards: 1) Incipient 2) moustache 3) goatee or Mandarin 4) Spanish style 5) long sideburns 6) sideburn joined by his mustache 7) Style Van Dyke 8) full beard. A beard is the collection of hair that grows on the chin and cheeks of humans and some non-human animals.

In humans, usually only or adult males are able to grow beards. From an evolutionary viewpoint the beard is a part of the broader category of. It is a from a time when humans had hair on their face and entire body like the hair on.

The evolutionary loss of hair is pronounced in some populations such as and east Asian and Southeast Asian populations, who have less facial hair, whereas people of European, Mediterranean, and South Asian ancestry and the have more facial hair. Download musik jaran barongan jawa timur logo Societal attitudes toward male beards have varied widely depending on factors such as prevailing cultural-religious traditions and the current era's fashion trends.

Some religions (such as ) have considered a full beard to be essential for all males able to grow one, and mandate it as part of their official. Other cultures, even while not officially mandating it, view a beard as central to a man's, exemplifying such virtues as,, sexual prowess and high. However, in cultures where facial hair is uncommon (or currently out of fashion), beards may be associated with poor hygiene or a 'savage', uncivilized, or even dangerous demeanor. The beard develops during. Beard growth is linked to stimulation of hair follicles in the area by (DHT), which continues to affect beard growth after puberty. Various hormones stimulate hair follicles from different areas.

DHT, for example, may also promote short-term (i.e., the growing of facial hair). For example, a scientist who chose to remain anonymous spent several weeks on a remote island in comparative isolation. He noticed that his beard growth diminished, but the day before he was due to leave the island it increased again, reaching unusually high rates of growth during the first day or two on the mainland. He studied the effect and concluded that the stimulus for increased beard growth was related to the resumption of sexual activity.

However, at that time professional pogonologists, such as R.M. Hardisty, dismissed a connection. Despite DHT's relationship with terminal body and facial hair growth, the dominant hormone in facial hair development is likely the male sex hormone, with DHT more closely associated with beard growth speed rather than density (or 'coverage'); moreover, neither hormone acts alone, depending instead on the quantity of androgen receptors on the face. Subjects with a greater preponderance of receptors will develop more terminal adult facial hairs.

Beard growth rate is also genetic. An individual's genes determine the of hair in different parts of the body. The anagen phase is the amount of time a hair follicle will grow before the hair falls out and is replaced by a new hair. This in turn determines the length of the hair on that part of the body. The hairs of a bushy beard will have a relatively long anagen phase. The hairs of some men have shorter anagen phases and consequently have sparser shorter beards. The facial hair of most women and children has a very short anagen phase.

Genes also determine whether the hair is a thick like that of a bristle or a fine like that on a child or womans face. Evolution [ ]. Biologists characterize beards as a because they are unique to one sex, yet do not play a direct role in reproduction.

First suggested possible explanation of beards in his work, which hypothesized that the process of may have led to beards. Modern biologists have reaffirmed the role of sexual selection in the evolution of beards, concluding that there is evidence that a majority of females find men with beards more than men without beards.

Explanations for the existence of beards include signalling and signalling by increasing perceived size of jaws, and faces are rated less dominant than bearded. Some scholars assert that it is not yet established whether the sexual selection leading to beards is rooted in attractiveness (inter-sexual selection) or dominance (intra-sexual selection). A beard can be explained as an indicator of a male's overall condition.

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