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IE8 came out after Flare 4.2 was released, so I am sure the official statement is 'no'. I just tried the Flare WebHelp here: and other than that IE8 is horribly slow I had no issues. I don't have Flare on this box and cannot tell if the preview still works, but you are right, it does use IE and no, you cannot change it (smells like feature request). You will never be able to make XHTML content look exactly the same across browsers.
I even question the effort in doing that since most browsers all for local overrides of server side CSS, which would destroy all your hard work. I agree, it is not common practice to do so. What you really should do is to make it so that the output follows W3C standard. IMHO crafting pages for display in browser ABC is just bad practice and the core issue why we, the web users, are in such a mess (mainly caused by the ignorance of web standards by Microsoft). Especially now with IE8, which can be run in two modes: crappy IE7 mode or less crappy IE8 mode (some call that mode to be even standard compliant, but it depends on who you ask and which test was used).
So even if you target IE only then the question is, which types and modes? So what you are saying is that IE8 shows the bullets the way FF, Opera, and Chrome do, but it is different than how IE7 does it? I'd forget about IE7. There really is no compelling reason to not replace the two year old IE7 with IE8.
Leopard hd install helper download free. There may be some hardships over the next few months, but by the time you make things look nice in IE7 as well as in all other browsers the need for this solution is no longer present. That depends though on your audience, some places / industries are upgrade-phobic and still use IE6 (maybe because some ignorant developer crafted a web app that only works with IE6). Like 'RamonS' said, MadCap will officially support the latest IE browser the next time that MC releases a version of Flare/Blaze. You can bet it will happen before Microsoft starts rolling out forced upgrades to IE8.
MadCap doesn't make many 'official statements', so I wouldn't hold your breath. It is much more common for a version to just be released without much fanfare leading up to it. There are ways you can tell your CSS to display things differently depending on the browser. One way is to put some type of javascript code in the head of your document to check the browser, and then display the link to the CSS file based on the user's browser. Another way is to add code to your css file that 'breaks' some browsers, so they can't read the rest of the css code for that declaration. You can read more about these on the web. I'm not going to get into a lot of detail, because I, like 'RamonS' think that for the most part you're wasting your time.
But you can search out CSS browser hacks if you really need to do this. When my supervisor asks why the help system renders slightly differently in different browsers, I say, 'that's the way IE mangles CSS.
It works in other browsers.' End of story.
I've got way to much to do to spend a bunch of effort trying to overcome Microsoft's inability to follow the rules everybody else plays. I may repeat myself, but code to W3C standards and you did your task. The W3C standards only define which tags are to be understood and how they are supposed to be interpreted, they do not explicitly specify how things have to look like. That means any browser will display the same code slightly different and still be fully W3C standard compatible. I recommend you try to make the output look good in all the browsers, but forget about making it look identically. I think that is futile.
But why does the application only run in IE 7 or 8? It should be working fine in any browser if it was done right. RamonS wrote:I think that is futile. But why does the application only run in IE 7 or 8?
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It should be working fine in any browser if it was done right. This is good advice. The rest of it, about coding to web standards, is nice in theory, but your customers don't care about web standards. They care about useable documentation.
If the browser they choose to use does not render your help correctly, you can either tell them to change browsers, or you can fix it so that it will be okay in their browser. Which is appropriate depends entirely on the situation.
RamonS wrote:I think that is futile. But why does the application only run in IE 7 or 8? It should be working fine in any browser if it was done right. This is good advice.
The rest of it, about coding to web standards, is nice in theory, but your customers don't care about web standards. They care about useable documentation. If the browser they choose to use does not render your help correctly, you can either tell them to change browsers, or you can fix it so that it will be okay in their browser. Which is appropriate depends entirely on the situation.
- четверг 08 ноября
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