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(January 2010) () 'If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out' by from the album Released December 1984 Recorded 1971, Length 2: 46 ' If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out' is a popular song. It first appeared in the 1971 film. Stevens wrote all the songs in Harold and Maude in 1970-1971, during the time he was writing and recording his album. However, 'If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out' and two other songs from that period were not released as singles nor placed on any album at that time.
No official soundtrack was released from the film at that time. The song was finally released later on Stevens' 1984 album, along with his other previously unreleased songs. In addition, it appeared on the UK edition of his 2003 album. Contents • • • • Official soundtrack (2007) [ ] The first official to the film was released in December 2007, by Vinyl Films Records, as a vinyl-only limited edition release of 2500 copies. It contained a 30-page oral history of the making of the film, the most extensive series of interviews yet conducted on Harold and Maude.
Appearances in other media [ ] The song features prominently in 's. In 2007, a rendition of 'Sing Out' appeared in the film. The song is featured in the TV shows and. It was featured as the 2nd song of 's skateboarding part in the Plan B video, Questionable. The song is also the theme to the BBC Radio sitcom.
As of fall 2016, the song appears in a commercial for the 2017. Cover versions [ ] • The song has been covered by 's pioneers Ghost Mice under the shortened title 'Sing Out'. • The song has been covered by Death By Chocolate in 2001, on their first, self-titled album • In August 2009, approved his original recording of the song for use in a television commercial. Also made an upbeat remix of the song for a later T Mobile commercial that aired in December 2009.
• / band covered the song for their 2010 album Ranky Tanky. • The song has also been covered. • The song has been covered by Jim Gill on his 1995 children's album Jim Gill Makes It Noisy In Boise, Idaho. • German bitpop band covered the song on their album Der Kalte Krieg (2011). References [ ].
Harold and Maude (1971):Young, rich, and obsessed with death, Harold finds himself changed forever when he meets lively septuagenarian Maude at a funeral.
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