God Editor Cm0102 Crack

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FM Scout is the only community you can talk Football Manager in real time. The CM0102 one. FM Scout Editor 18.

Instructions After downloading the file 'events_eng.cfg', place it in your Championship Manager 01/02's data folder. You may want to back-up your current 'events_eng.cfg' file first. The changes will take effect when you restart CM0102. CMScout The best scouting utility available for CM0102. Graeme Kelly's Save Game Editor (versions 3.7 and 4.0) A great save game editor with regen tracking and custom commands.

CM Explorer Brilliant data editor / save game editor. Always back up if you are editing a saved game as CM Explorer seems to corrupt older saved games. GPF2 (Generated Player Finder) Lists regenerated players and who their predecessor was.

  • вторник 30 октября
  • 19