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• Sesso, Gloria This guide provides information on the life and trial of Nazi Gestapo chief Adolf Eichmann. The guide includes suggested activities, discussion questions, suggested readings, a list of key players of the era, a vocabulary list, and a list of components and key events tied to 'The New York Times' of the era. (EH) • Kohout, David 2013-01-01 in English Dissertation Thesis David Kohout: Legal-Historical Aspects of Punishment of Nazi Criminals on the Background of the Adolf Eichmann Trial This Dissertation on the topic of 'Legal-Historical Aspects of Punishment of Nazi Criminals on the Background of the Adolf Eichmann Trial' seeks to analyze the main approaches to the prosecution and punishment of the Nazi crimes.
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It was chosen to use the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem in years 1961 - 1962 as a connecting thread of this whole. • Luo Yinli; Wu Ji; Guo Shenglan; Zhang Di; Li Zhixian 2009-01-01 Objective: To explore the right ventricular (RV) Tei index in patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) by tissue Doppler imaging (TDI), and to explore more accurate observation point to obtain Tei index of right ventricular. Methods: Assessment of RV Tei index values was performed in 95 patients with PH and 32 normal subjects. The 95 patients were grouped into 3 groups according to the severity of PH. Tei index values were obtained by TDI measurement from three observation points, the anterior tricuspid and septal tricuspid attachment points in the apical 4-chamber view and the posterior tricuspid attachment point in parasternal right heart 2-chamber review. Results: (1) RV Tel index values were measured at the three points of PH was higher than the normal significantly (P.
• Hamid Amoozgar 2011-12-01 Full Text Available Background: The myocardial performance index (MPI, also known as the Tei index, was introduced by Tei et al. To evaluate cardiac function in adults with dilated cardiomyopathy. This index is defined as the sum of isovolumic contraction time (ICT and isovolumic relaxation time (IRT, divided by ejection time (ET. Objectives: To determine the correlation between pulsed Doppler (PD- and tissue Doppler imaging (TDI-derived Tei indices in fetuses. Patients and Methods: Right and left ventricle PD and TDI echocardiographic data were obtained from 59 fetuses (11 pregnant women who were positive for anti-SSA-Ro or anti-SSB-La antibodies, 18 women who were referred due to dysrhythmia, and 30 women who had normal clinical findings. Results: Mean fetal gestational age was 27 ± 6.4 weeks.
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